You are herePart 6. The Death and Burial
Part 6. The Death and Burial
Preparation of the Passover; Jerusalem
Washing the apostles' feet; Jerusalem
The breaking of bread; Jerusalem
'One of you shall betray me'; Jerusalem
'Is it I ?'; Jerusalem
Giving of the sop 'That thou doest, do quickly'; Jerusalem
Departure of Judas Iscariot; Jerusalem
Peter warned; Jerusalem
Blessing the cup; Jerusalem
The discourses after supper; Jerusalem
Christ's prayer for his apostles; Jerusalem
The hymn; Jerusalem
The agony; Gethsemane
The thrice-repeated prayer; Gethsemane
His sweat and comforting by the angel; Gethsemane
The sleep of the apostles; Gethsemane
Betrayal by Judas; Gethsemane
Peter smites Malchus; Gethsemane
Christ miraculously heals the ear of Malchus; Gethsemane
Christ forsaken by his disciples; Gethsemane
Christ led to Annas; Jerusalem
Christ tried by Caiaphas; Jerusalem
Peter follows Christ; Jerusalem
The high priest's adjuration; Jerusalem
Christ condemned, buffeted, mocked; Jerusalem
Peter's denial of Christ; Jerusalem
Christ before Pilate; Jerusalem
Repentance of Judas; Jerusalem
Pilate comes out to the people; Jerusalem
Pilate speaks to Jesus privately; Jerusalem
Pilate orders him to be scourged; Jerusalem
Jesus crowned with thorns; Jerusalem
Jesus exhitited by Pilate;'Behold the man'; Jerusalem
Jesus accused formally; Jerusalem
Jesus sent by Pilate to Herod; Jerusalem
Jesus mocked, arrayed in purple; Jerusalem
'Behold your King'; Jerusalem
Pilate desires to release him; Jerusalem
Pilate receives a message from his wife; Jerusalem
Pilate washes his hands; Jerusalem
Pilate releases Barabbas; Jerusalem
Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified; Jerusalem
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross; Jerusalem
They give him vinegar and gall; Golgotha
They nail him to the cross; Golgotha
The superscription; Golgotha
1a) Father, forgive them; Golgotha
# Lu 23:34
His garments parted, and vesture allotted; Golgotha
Passers-by rail, the two thieves revile; Golgotha
The penitent thief; Golgotha
1b) Today shalt thou be with me in paradise; Golgotha
# Lu 23:43
1c) Woman, behold thy son, etc; Golgotha
# Joh 19:26,27
Darkness over all the land; Golgotha
1d) My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me; Golgotha
# Mt 27:46 Mr 15:34
1e) I thirst; Golgotha
# Joh 19:28
The vinegar; Golgatha
1f) It is finished; Golgotha
# Joh 19:30
1g) Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit; Golgotha
# Lu 23:46
Rending of the veil; Jerusalem
Opening of the graves & resurrection of saints; Jerusalem
Testimony of Centurion; Golgotha
Watching of the women; Golgotha
The piercing of his side; Golgotha
Taking down from the cross; The Garden
Burial by Joseph of Arimethea & Nicodemus; The Garden
A guard placed over the sealed stone; The Garden
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