You are herePart 4. From the Second Passover to the Third
Part 4. From the Second Passover to the Third
Opposition of Scribes and Pharisees; Capernaum
Discourse on Pollution; Capernaum
Miraculous Healing the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman; Phoenicia
Miraculous Healing of the deaf and dumb man; Tyre & Sidon
Miraculous Healing of many sick persons; Decapolis
Miraculous Feeding of the four thousand; Gennesaret
Parable of the leaven of Pharisees; Gennesaret
Miraculous Healing of the Blind man; Bethsaida
Peter's confession of Christ; Caesarea Phillippi
First prediction of the passion; Caesarea Phillippi
The transfiguration; Mt. Hermon
Miraculous Healing the demoniac child; Mt. Hermon
Second prediction of the passion; Mt. Hermon
Miracle: The stater in the fish's mouth; Capernaum
Lesson on docility; Capernaum
Lesson on forgiveness; Capernaum
Lesson on self-denial; Capernaum
Parable of the unmerciful servant; Capernaum
Journey to Jerusalem through Samaria
Jealousy of the Samaritans; Samaria
Anger of the 'sons of thunder'; Samaria
The feast of tabernacles; Jerusalem
Discourses; Jerusalem
Officers sent to arrest Christ; Jerusalem
The adulteress; Jerusalem
Discourses; Jerusalem
Christ threatened with stoning; Jerusalem
Miraculous Healing of the Blind man and discourses; Jerusalem
Christ the Door; Jerusalem
Christ the Good Shepherd; Jerusalem
Departure from Jerusalem.
Mission of the seventy; Judea
Return of the seventy; Judea
Parable of the Good Samaritan; Judea
Visit to Martha & Mary; Bethany
Jesus teaches his disciples to pray; Judea
Parable of importunate friend; Judea
He miraculously heals the mute demoniac; Judea
He rebukes the blasphemy of the Pharisees; Judea
Discourses:- The repentant Ninevites; Judea
God's providence to birds and flowers; Judea
Parable of the Rich fool; Judea
Parable of servants watching; Judea
Parable of the wise steward; Judea
The murdered Galileans; Judea
The barren fig tree; Judea
Miraculous Healing of a woman with an infirmity; Judea
Visit to Jerusalem at the feast of Dedication
Attempt to stone Jesus; Jerusalem
Jesus retires across Jordan; Peraea
Are there few that be saved?; Peraea
The message to Herod; Paraea
Miraculous Healing of the man with the dropsy; Peraea
Parable of the great supper; Peraea
Parable of Tower, King going to war; Paraea
Parable of the lost sheep; Peraea
Parable of the lost coin; Peraea
Parable of the prodigal son; Peraea
Parable of the unjust steward; Peraea
Parable of the rich man and Lazarus; Peraea
Parable of the unprofitable servants; Peraea
Sickness of Lazarus; Bethany
Return of Jesus from Peraea to Bethany
Miraculous Resurrection of Lazarus; Bethany
The council: Advice of Caiaphas; Jerusalem
Jesus retires to the town of Ephraim
Last journey to Jerusalem; Borders of Samaria
Miraculous Healing of the ten lepers; Borders of Samaria
Parable of the unjust judge; Borders of Samaria
Parable of the Pharisee and the publican; Borders of Samaria
The question of divorce; Borders of Samaria
Christ blesses little children; Borders of Samaria
The rich young ruler; Borders of Samaria
Parable of the labourers in the vineyard; Borders of Samaria
Third prediction of the passion; Borders of Samaria
Request of James and John; Borders of Samaria
Miraculous Healing of Blind Bartimaeus; Near Jericho
Jesus at the house of Zacchaeus; Jericho
Parable of the pounds; Jericho
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